Wednesday, February 25, 2009


It is in man's nature not to be comfortable in such a state of curiosity. Not from his earliest history. If he were we wouldn't be driving to work or watching Formula 1 from the luxury of our houses. We would still know that the Earth is flat or the concept of us existing would hardly make any sense. Thus man is always out hunting for knowledge reasons and patterns in the various elements of the universe. Maybe that is the reason that we exist: to look fro the answers. For if we hard all knowledge imprinted in our minds from the beginning of time then life would be an obvious tasteless burger from the pizza hut across the street.

This immanent nature of human's psychology is evident from infancy- before the entity becomes aware of its own existence. And when placed on the floor it will automatically try to reach for the nearest object, like a robot programmed to perform just that operation. Whatever follows helps it to learn more about its surrounding, like an advanced robot would be able to. The property persists throughout man's life as it uses what it learns to modify its environment for comfort, leisure or as in most cases, survival!

Thus in the life of human beings seeking knowledge is inevitable. We have set laboratories all over the planet to find new and better drugs; faster and more economical travel method, etc, etc. We even have a laboratory 24,000 km above the surface the earth for similar studies: the international Space Station. We have sent space probes billions of kilometers from earth with a message to whatever lies beyond.

Fig 1.1 the international space station

The beginning of time is just one of the many questions whose answer we are looking for. It is a subject that has been around since man's own advent in the world. It is one of the few subjects that create common debate grounds for religion, philosophy and science; a feat that is hard for a subject to achieve unless it is controversial, complex and able to accommodate very different almost clashing point of views. Hitherto a universal approach has not been arrived at by the opposing factions but it is worth appreciating the fact that we have come a long way. And as time passes stronger connections are made towards comprehending the fundamentals of origin of this universe.

In science, we rely almost entirely on the facts that are observable, measurable and natural; those that are held by the scientific laws and mathematical equations. Almost always subconsciously science being the basic rule that influences everything known to man; it is the crucial element we apply for any argument or decision making. For example, let's say you are a college student. You have 17 minutes before the next lesson begins. But you haven't taken breakfast or showered yet. You know that it will take you 8 minutes walking fast enough to get to class. And since 9 minutes is not enough to complete both tasks, you have to choose between either. Its winter so if you don't have a bath you won't produce bad odor till much later in the day, or tomorrow. But you had a very light supper last night so your stomach may start rumbling before the middle of the 4 hour lecture. Well, you don't have to be a 3.9 GPA student to figure out what to do here. In this case for instance you have applied mathematics, biology and meteorology!

Another example. An illiterate 6 year old kid. He can easily jump from a small height say a chair to the ground. But if he were on the third or second floor he would never dare. He has never been aught about gravity in school. But subconsciously he knows that his velocity will increase as he falls and when he hits the ground his change in momentum will break every bone in his body. In this case, the kid has applied mathematics and physics with the same equations. Only not paper and, much faster!

As humans we tend to apply science in all our endeavors. We rely in what is real, logical and rational. Maybe that makes it a little harder for the present Christians to perform miracles like Jesus did. Or even believe the Reinhardt Bonkes do their thing on the Sunday morning television. Yet these are the very natural laws that the ultimate employed to govern the universe. Maybe the same that he used to create the universe. Nevertheless I believe that they were created for us. For without them, nothing would be what it is (or is not). They govern every bit of our 4 dimensional space time continuum. Every Sunday morning , every television , every priority of breakfast over shower, every bone we choose not to break, every bit space, every bit of time from now to the future and to the past, all the way to the beginning.

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